Seattle Public Schools

High School, Postsecondary, and Career Planning

Advanced Level and Dual Credit Courses

Advanced Level/Dual Credit Courses

High School Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

高中先修课程是美国大学理事会的一个项目,允许学生学习大学水平的课程. 本课程帮助学生为他们的学院或大学课程做准备.

Students who take AP exams, which are administered annually in May, can earn college credit, depending on their score and the college they plan to attend. Read more about AP at Seattle Public Schools.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

国际文凭课程是为大三和大四学生开设的一系列大学准备课程. IB文凭课程是一个为期两年的综合课程,融合了许多国家大学准备的最佳元素.

IB courses are offered at three SPS schools:

To learn more about the Seattle Public Schools International Baccalaureate program.

Running Start



该项目为高中生提供了参加大学水平课程以获得学分的机会, with free or reduced tuition for up to 15 credits, while earning high school credit. Part-Time Running Start Enrollment is also an option. 允许的学分数由学生每周参加高中的分钟数决定.  Families are responsible for fees, books and other costs. Fee waivers may be available for students receiving Free or Reduced Lunch.

Running Start Important Information

  • 参加“兼职”的学生可能会与大学和高中的课程安排发生冲突.
  • 如果/当你的时间表有冲突时,你的高中课程优先.
  • 学生可能需要根据可用性在高中或大学的课程之间进行选择.
  • Students may not leave high school classes early or arrive late.
  • Seattle Schools must report the official cumulative grade point average (g.p.a.) on all Transcripts per state law, this g.p.a. is not weighted.
  • 在大学获得的成绩是在你的官方高中累积成绩范围内计算的.p.a.
  • 你的大学成绩单和高中成绩单的平均绩点可能不同.
  • 高中毕业前获得的大学学分不能转到私立大学或州立大学. It is your responsibility to verify if grades will or will not transfer.
  • 家庭将无法获得大学成绩单,记录,成绩报告,出勤率等.
  • During the school day, 学生不应该出现在高中校园,除非他们在高中注册了一个班.
  • 大学通过504及其无障碍或残疾服务办公室为残疾学生提供住宿支持.
  • 所有的毕业要求课程必须在冬季学期结束前完成,才能参加西雅图学校的毕业典礼.
  • Unenrolling from Running Start courses, 或者一个季度没有参加跑步开始可能会影响你在西雅图学校的入学.
  • 高年级学生的成绩单在毕业后的秋季更新,当收到学院的正式成绩单时.
  • 从当地大学获得文凭的学生必须向高中注册员提供文件,以便准确保存记录, not doing so may mean your high school transcript does not show you have graduated.
  • Students who are unsuccessful may be placed on academic probation. 如果学生的学业成绩仍然不令人满意,他/她可能会被开除.
  • 通过Running Start获得的学分数量可能会影响通过西雅图承诺奖学金获得的学分数量, check with Seattle Colleges for details.

To learn more about Running Start options talk with your high school counselor, the running start coordinator at your local community college and visit OSPI Running Start Program.

许多当地的“跑步启动”项目已经强制要求在校园里亲自上课的学生接种疫苗. 要了解当地社区大学的政策,请直接与学院联系.

College in the High School

高中学院课程是一个双学分课程,由大学认可的合格高中教师在高中校园或高中环境中提供大学课程, 符合条件的学生有机会获得由学区颁发的高中学分, charter school, 或部落契约学校和由参与高等教育机构授予的大学学分.


The first is where the course is offered and who teaches the course. 高中学院在高中校园内由合格的高中教师授课. Running Start is taught on a college campus by a college faculty member.

Finally, the second difference is funding. 每学期入学的学生可以免交学费,最多相当于全日制学生的学费, and for a maximum of the equivalent of two years of full-time enrollment. 想要获得大学学分的高中生可能需要向大学支付一定的费用. The maximum fee shall not exceed $65 per college credit.

Dual Credit CTE

双学分CTE课程包含2024欧洲杯竞猜(职业和技术教育)与至少一所社区/技术学院签署的衔接协议. 学生在高中上课的同时获得高中和大学学分. 双学分CTE课程也是许多CTE毕业衔接课程的一部分.

To learn more about Dual Credit CTE, talk with your Career Connected Learning Coordinator or CTE Teacher.

How will colleges treat these credits?

学生和家庭应该知道,接受和申请这些大学学分的学院和大学受学校政策的约束. 最好查看一下你感兴趣的大学的转学或双学分政策,了解他们如何申请或对待这些类型的学分.